
Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

– Dr. Seuss


Welcome back to!

Ten years ago, I launched a blog to share my thoughts, feelings, and favorite things with the world. I’m not actually a blog reader myself, so I didn’t expect anyone to notice or follow it. 

I just wanted to write.

I wanted an outlet for the endless litany of words that flow through my mind each day. A blog seemed like a great way to do that, so I went for it.

From my days of selling real estate, I owned the domain so I selected a free WordPress template, forwarded the domain address to my new site, and voila’ my blog was born.

On August 24, 2011, I became a published author:

Following Ree Drummond’s Pioneer Woman example, I gave my loved ones nicknames: my husband is Coach; our son is my SonShine; and our daughter is my Angel Girl. Then, I wrote about the trials and tribulations of being me, about life in college football with Coach, and about being Momma.

I’ve shared recipes and meal planning, talked about vacations and destinations, recommended great books, led yoga flows, climbed on my soapbox with a few rants here and there, and given friends and family a glimpse into my world – my modern-day fairy tale.

I’ve since learned that consistency is not my greatest strength!

There have been weeks that I blogged almost every day. And there have been years when I blogged almost never. Regardless of their frequency, those posts are a beautiful reflection of the rollercoaster journey of real life with starts, stops, ups, downs, loop-de-loops, free-falls, thrills, and chills.

Today, I’m stepping onto the wildest roller coaster I’ve been on so far. I’m wearing a new hat, embracing a new career. Today, I’m a published author not only of a blog, but of a fiction novel. 

Under the pen name Virginia’dele Smith, I’m writing small town, wholesome romance – stories of community, friendship, family, encouragement, support, and love. Lots and lots of love.

And this – – is going to serve as headquarters for my exciting new adventure.

I’ll continue to share my family and all of my favorite things in life: books and reviews, yoga and healthy living, recipes and meal planning, quilts and sewing projects, vacations and destinations, cool gizmos and fun gadgets, and of course, information and education about ending Alzheimer’s disease.

I will also write about writing, post about publishing, tell you about upcoming stories, reveal cover designs, and ask for your help along the way. 

I look forward to connecting with readers and writers and quilters here on the new website. I’m eager to get to know you all as friends and family. I am grateful you are here!

With love and hugs,

Ashli Montgomery logo
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